Outreach Videos

Plant 4 Kids Videos

Plants 4 Kids Modules: Water


Plants 4 Kids Modules: Crowdedness


Plants 4 Kids Modules: Pollution


Plants 4 Kids Modules: Gravity


Plants 4 Kids Modules: Light vs Dark

Plant Hormones and Time-Lapse Videos

DIY Arabidopsis Planter With 3D Printer: AraPrinter


Time-lapse movie of the life of a vegetable garden 

The power of plant hormones: Ethylene


Dancing plants


Plant dynamic

What are plant hormones?



Ribosome Footprinting


One week time-lapse of the weather at the beach 

Antonio Alonso-Stepanov’s YouTube Channel


Genome Editing and CRISPR 


What GMOs are


Arduino for kids


Neural Networks [Machine Learning]: A basic introduction


Neural Networks [Machine Learning] #2: Structure


Neural Networks [Machine Learning] #3: Training (Minimizing The Cost Function)


Neural Networks [Machine Learning] #4: Python Implementation


What is Keras? | Keras #1

Installations for Deep Learning: Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook, Tensorflow, Keras | Keras #2


Neural Network Regression Model with Keras | Keras #3


Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Neural Networks | Keras #4


Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks: Making a Handwritten Digit Calculator | Keras #5